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Ordinary Inspirations

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    Friday, May 8, 2009

    Ordinary Day

    That's what my life was like today, just a typical ordinary day in the life of Lisa and her boys :) My day started rather early, try 4:30am:(... Oh well but at least Matthias is a good boy and lays in his bed and just sings and talks to himself.

    Not a huge amount to talk about in regards to today, we're just getting ready for Mothers Day. Which will consist of me staying at home with my boys and my parents, which sounds wonderful to me.

    One HUGE blessing that happened today? I went to the mailbox and what did I see a HUGE package from Tim at Nordic Naturals. Inside? Eight bottles of my sons DHA chewable tablets :) I can't even tell you how wonderful that is. This will be one less thing that I have to pay for, in the LONG list of Matthias supplements. So THANK YOU Tim!!! Your wonderful Guy!

    By the way, if you child needs to take cod live oil DHA, I HIGHLY suggest these capsules. A friend of mine from T.A.C.A told me about them and I can't speak highly enough about them. Its amazing how easy it is to get my son to take them, they smell and taste like strawberry! AMAZING STUFF!

    Well, Its time to get the boys ready for bedtime!

    Much Love,

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    With this video

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