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    Friday, May 1, 2009

    What a nite!

    I have to say I am very excited to see how many have contributed to Matthias Lend4Health fund! Thank you everyone who has helped, it means more than the world to me! There's a link on my page where you can see his profile and see all of the wonderful people who contributed to Matthias and all the other children who have benefited from this wonderful organization.

    Now on to the updates!

    Sleeping, well...its been a struggle. Mostly Matthias will sleep until about 3 or 4am and then he decides its a good time to sit in his room and play. I am grateful though, that he doesn't cause any trouble or try to get up and roam about. He just sits in his bed and plays and sings to himself. Typically this is how my nite goes....

    Go to sleep around 11pm or 12am, Littleman wakes up around 1am needs a diaper change, go back to sleep, then at 3am I am awakened to Handsome singing " I like to move it, move it, U Like to move it move, you got to MOVE IT" and " All hail the New York Giants!"(side note, he does this all day long, what they call Echolalia) LOL I just try to roll over and go back to sleep. This usually goes on until he falls back to sleep at 5am, then 6:30am comes and its time to get up for school!

    So after my eventful night I am a bit tired today. I am still seeing the same progress I have mentioned before and lots of unprompted verbal exchanges between Matthias and I. I am very excited to see what this month will bring! I hope you all continue to follow us on our New Journey of Hope!

    Much Love,


    1 comment:

    Clinger said...

    Lisa you are so truly amazing. What a gift from God you are. You are an example of what true motherhood is all about. God bless you and your boys. ~ Christine & Bridget

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

