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    Friday, September 4, 2009

    In response to the Crappy report done by MSNBC Dateline and Matt Lauer

    Warning I am going to rant again, and may say some things some may not like..... I apologize in advance :)

    Here is information given by Dr.Wakefield abou the boched reporting done by MSNBC. It lists all the things they edited out of the report and much more! http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/08/a-statement-from-dr-andrew-wakefield-of-thoughtful-house-following-dateline-nbc.html#more

    I am NOT suprised that they did NOT keep their word and give a balanced report on these issues. I'm not suprised that have YET to put up any comments left by viewers as of today on their website. Because if they were to do that, they would have to listen to the unhappy audience.

    But honestly.... it just really pisses me off! I'm tired of it!!! Tired of people in this world not wanting to listen to us! We are not uneducated, desperate parents.... we are parents who want our government to listen to us, we are parents who want our family memebers to listen to us, we are parents who want our communities to listen to us.... WE ARE PARENTS WHO WANT TO BE LISTENED TOO!!!!! HOW MUCH LONGER WILL WE HAVE TO WAIT????

    Please also consider being a part of the HOW MUCH LONGER campaign here ....http://www.nationalautismassociation.org/howmuchlonger.php

    Much love,

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