Tonight, as I was getting the boys ready for bed, we went through our nightly routine. Bathtime, hair combed, jammies on , stories read..... and then it was time for bed...........
Well this Handsome to the left <------, was not at all happy about going to bed (nor has he been lately :) ) I heard what I have heard for the past few nights, arguing with me........... Mommy no, one more book..... no bedtime.......... read the Dinasour book........ over and over and over again..... and like any Mommy, I started to get stern and say No Handsome, its time for bed, go to your room!........ and then I stopped myself quickly, and realized............ he's doing something a typical little boy would do.....protesting the fact that he has to go to bed!
Its moments like these, that I am so grateful for, the little moments.......even the ones where for a moment I forget and I am reminded of how special those moments are :)
I love you Handsome and I'm so proud of you! Even when you argue with me :)
Much Love,
i love this post
i find myelf needing to stop every once and awhile and look at all the typical things my son can do too
Love the healing that is coming... it is these little glimpses that keep spreading and spreading... until one day the days of autism will be a memory. Praying for that day for Handsome... and rejoicing with you in these moments, LIs!
love you!
Bee, that is exactly what happened to me last night :) I love those moments, they bring me such joy :)
My dear friend Amy :) thank you so much Amy!!! Your words and prayers mean so much to me.....HUGS......
And! There is no such thing as too many books and reading!!!!!!
I remember the first time Jakob said "I love you Mommy" like it was yesterday. He was 3 before I heard it. :)
My son was almost 4 before I heard him utter the word ma ma ma ma..........I got it recorded on my phone and still have it!! I cried like a baby :)...Makes me smile everytime I hear about another childs story :)
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