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    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    Lifes Trials

    I heard something this morning that spoke to me about the trials in this life, they said........

    'Remember there is purpose in the pain you've experienced in this life' the Lord will use it to show you or someone else, about Him and his Love, Grace and Mercy for us' . Its amazing how the Lord works because just a few days ago I found a song that spoke to me about my life and the trials I have gone through as well.

    I found this artist Kerrie Roberts through a site called godvine while watching a video of a spectacular home lit up for Christmas. The moment I started to listen to the song, it literally spoke to my soul..........

    Now I LOVE music of all kinds and really have been connected to it since I was a very little girl, it has always brought me comfort in some way. But very few songs have spoke to me like this, I can count on one hand how many have.

    I was blown away she put into words exactly what I needed to hear for this Journey I am on in life. Some days are so much harder than others and I have had my share of ups and downs and some days wonder why it seems life has fallen apart.

    With this song, it has given me the comfort and reassurance I need to remember, Keep breathing you'll make it, don't give in, your not done yet, sometimes all that you can do is keep breathing, and believing don't let go, just hang on tighter a little longer, when you feel like your dying and keep breathing!

    I wanted to share this song with you all in hopes it will help you as much as it has helped me :)

    Enjoy and Keep Breathing :)

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    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

