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    Thursday, May 7, 2009

    So much for yesterday :(

    Wow talk about getting the wind knocked out of you.....................There never seems to be a dull day in Matthias' life and even after 5 years I am still trying to get use to this.....

    So today my wonderful niece took my son to his Physical therapy today(this is his private therapist not school therapist), and while he was there he pushed two different children and the therapist. ( oh ya did I mention, this is a new therapist who has only seen him once??) Anyway, she came out 30 minutes early and proceeded to tell my niece that they would be discharging him from Physical therapy as he has meet all his LIFE goals ( meaning goals he would need to be able to function in life) and that they can not work with him on a one on one basis as they spend most of their time trying to get him to focus and not push other children or the therapist(did I also mention that they have him in a room full of kids who are being kids and making lots of noise, something that doesn't sit well with Matthias?). They feel that he would benefit more from a social physical type of activity, like swim lessons or gymnastics, not one on one therapy.

    So how to I feel about this, well......... first of all I just received his reevalution from his school therapist and they pointed out SOOO many things my son still needs to learn how to do for his age and younger, but yet they feel he doesn't need it anylonger??? Hmmm or is it just that they feel my son is to hard to handle?? Can you tell I have gone through this before? I am not blind to the fact that Matthias can be VERY challenging and much harder than a typical kid. But he can't be the only child that is challenging. Now on to the social physical therapy, hmm How do you think that will work for my son? See he just got done pushing two children and the therapist, so lets stick him in a room of laughing, screaming, yelling children and ask him to NOT push them and focus on the activity at hand :) GREAT Idea :) As much as I wish he could do this type of activity, right now he can't. He needs to learn basic things like building his trunk muscles, and being able to kick a rolling ball several times in a row, he needs to learn how to play catch and beable to throw and catch at random, he needs to learn spacial awareness, and looking down when he is stepping over something, HECK he needs to learn HOW to step over something..... ( I could go on) focusing on social groups is not what is best right now.

    Right now, I'm just very discouraged. This is the second time this has happened to Matthias, and if his school evaluation points out all the things he still needs to work, why are they claiming something different? Here is what Matthias scored on in his physical therapy evaluation just last week!

    • Stationary Skills - Age equivalency =41 Months ( 3 1/2 yrs old)
    • Locomotion Skills- Age Equivalency = 25 months( barely 1yrs old)
    • Object Manipulation-Age Equivalency=30 months (1 1/2 yrs old)

    All I want is for my son to beable to learn and grow like others and he can't when he doesn't have 1 on 1 Physical therapy to assist him in learning physical strengths.

    Oh well, just another thing to pray about. I will be contacting his Support Coordinator tomorrow to discuss this with her as I am not going to settle for this.

    Will you pray that something changes and we are able to keep his physical therapy and find a new one that will be willing to work with him no matter how hard it may be at times.

    Here's to a better day tomorrow!

    Much Love,


    Amy said...

    OH Lis... I am so so so sorry... my goodness....

    Julie Dickson said...

    I hardly know where to begin! I am angry, right along with you, sister! It sounds like this therapist is obviously not on the same page as the rest of the team. And, they can't just DISCHARGE him without your consent. I'm assuming this is in his IEP, right? They have to call a meeting and you have to agree to it...which you OBVIOUSLY didn't do! This therapist is out of touch with reality and I guess has never worked with kids on the spectrum...otherwise, she would know that this was just setting him up for failure.

    Good for you for not settling for "life skills". We want our kids to learn, just like any other "typically developing" child.

    I could go on and on. As a mom, who walks this path daily, I understand. Keep standing and go with your gut.

    I will be praying for you! Keep us updated! BTW, thanks for visiting my blog. It's nice to know what we aren't alone.


    Mamí♥Picture said...

    I am sorry my friend, my prayers are with you...

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

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    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

