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    Thursday, August 6, 2009

    Holy smokes!!

    Has it really been a week since I last posted on our blog??!!??

    Needless to say as you can tell, this past few weeks have been very very busy. BUT GREAT things are happening :) So much that I hope I don't forget it all!

    Let me start by saying I am ever so grateful to the lenders who gave to my Handsome! The biomedical treatments are doing wonderful things for his life! I'll start with yesterday.

    We went to Handsomes OT session and he LOVES his therapist :). She always come back from each session weekly and tells me how well he did or did not do, what things we need to work on ect. Well yesterday when they came out the first thing she said was.... has something in his diet changed? and I said no, we're still on gf/cf BUT he is starting to poop out on the yeast die off and she says " You can tell! He did fabulous today!" Needless to say, this is one happy Momma :)

    She basically said, he was much more attentive than she has ever seen him, he responded using more words, words she has never heard him use before. He transitioned smoothly and did everything she asked him to do! THAT ladies and gentlemen is HUGE for my Handsome :) I am so proud of him! He works so hard and has been through so much to get here :)

    Not only is he showing signs of improvment with her, but also as well as home. Here is just a littlebit of things he is doinge

    • Eats grapes and blueberries now,before he wouldn't TOUCH THEM EVER, he would gag on them
    • Increased vocabulary, he went from 3-4 word sentences @ the begining of the year, to now consistently he is at 5-8 word sentences!
    • New frazes he has never used before example, the other day my niece Elysha was leaving and he said " Where are you going Lysha?" PEOPLE let me tell he has never ever ever, asked where someone is going! On top of that, he waited to actually hear what her response was!!!
    • Other things, his tummy is not bloated anymore he has lost weight :) Even his therapist said the same thing yesterday.

    On a side note, I need to mention that I found a fabulous HAB worker for Handsome! He is fully trained in ABA and USES IT! That is the bonus there :) He actually knew what I was talking about when I used all the ABA lingo :) He currently has one other child and he is lucky enough to be sitting along side a BCBA so not only is he using what he already knows about ABA but he is gaining more knowledge daily :) I can't wait for him to start working with my son! I know he is going to do wonderful things with him!

    I am so over joyed at the progess my Handsome is making, everything he accomplished in the past 3 years is nothing short of MIRACULOUS! He went from a non-verbal 2 1/2 year old boy, with severe sensory issues, poor physicaly abilities, severly lacking in muscle tone, to where he is today and I am so greatful to the Lord for taking care of my son.

    I love you Handsome and can't WAIT to see what the Lord has in store for your beautiful life!

    Much Love,

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

