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    Friday, March 19, 2010

    I'm reminded of ...

    Tonight, as I was getting the boys ready for bed, we went through our nightly routine. Bathtime, hair combed, jammies on , stories read..... and then it was time for bed...........

    Well this Handsome to the left <------, was not at all happy about going to bed (nor has he been lately :) ) I heard what I have heard for the past few nights, arguing with me........... Mommy no, one more book..... no bedtime.......... read the Dinasour book........ over and over and over again..... and like any Mommy, I started to get stern and say No Handsome, its time for bed, go to your room!........ and then I stopped myself quickly, and realized............ he's doing something a typical little boy would do.....protesting the fact that he has to go to bed!

    Its moments like these, that I am so grateful for, the little moments.......even the ones where for a moment I forget and I am reminded of how special those moments are :)

    I love you Handsome and I'm so proud of you! Even when you argue with me :)

    Much Love,

    Monday, March 15, 2010

    Ya for the DAN Dr. appt!!!!

    Tomorrow Handsome has a long over due DAN appt with Dr.Schneider :) I can't tell you enough how wonderful she is to my son! She is the first doctor who has ever directly spoken to my son and told him, we're gonna help you feel alot better.... and ya wanna know something??? THEY HAVE!!!!!!

    Handsome has lost so much weight and the bloating in his tummy from the yeast overgrowth is so minimal now its amazing!!! He talks so much more than he ever has before and I can't wait to get him his chelation/glutathion treatment tomorrow. Each time he has it he does so well and connects so much more to everyone around him! Its not a coincidence friends, its because the treatments work!

    I'm so glad I researched and found out about biomedical treatments! It has done so much for Handsome and his road to recovery. I continue to have so much hope for him and his future, for with out Hope... what is there :)

    Just wanted to share a quick video of Handsome before we ever knew he had autism. Looking back now I can see the echolalia he did, he constantly repeated one word over and over and over again and of course now I know they were signs of autism.

    Now when I look at this video, I'm reminded of how far he has come. We are all so proud of you Handsome!! You have worked so hard to get where you are today, we love you so much and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for your hope filled future!!!

    Much love,

    Long time .... no post :)

    I know I haven't posted in a few weeks... but school and the boys and life in general have been a whirlwind lately :).... LOTS has gone on with Handsomes progress/or not so much progress :) I will definitely be updating SOON about it. Until then I will leave you with some precious pictures of my boys!

    OH YEAH I almost forgot to tell you!!!
    I am very excited as I will be getting a bit of a facelift for my blog :) Can't wait to get everything set and done with the lovely lady I have chosen to do my blog :)

    I hope you all are doing well! Can't wait to get back to reading all your blogs and updates!

    Much Love,

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

