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    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    So excited to introduce to you.....

    Yesterday a wonderful friend of mine, had a GREAT idea! Why don't we create a 'wall' of sorts to show pictures of our kids... before autism, after autism, and if they are recovered or are recovering.

    Well friends I thought this was a FABULOUS idea!!! So I started on creating a Facebook Page to connect with other parents to be able to get the picutres. I titled this great idea " Autism B4 N After Project".
    If you are on Facebook, please become a fan of ours, I have a link on this blog for you to be able to find us.

    What I will be doing, is receiving pictures of as many children with autism as I can, and putting their pictures up with their names and information (before, after and recovering) on a blog site. I am currently in the process of making this blog and downloading pics so I can put them up. As you can imagine, this is still a spare of the moment effort, so I am still trying to figure everything out on what the page should look like and so on. So please any ideas from my friends are appreciated!

    If you would like to voluntarily participate in the project, please send me your pictures and information too :

    And please :) Pass on this blog post or facebook page to others you know may want to join in!
    I will keep you all posted on how things are going, I am so excited about this project and can't wait to see how many kiddos we will get to add to our 'wall'.

    Also, this will be an on going effort, so I will be adding pictures whenever I receive them :) I want to be able to update the page weekly with new pictures.

    This page will give us parents a way to show others, autism just didn't happen because of poor diagnosing, we watched it occur before our eyes and you can see it in the pictures, that blank stare, knowing the effort it took for us to try to get them to even look our way if we by chance snapped the photo in time. One moment our child was typical, doing what they should and the next they were not, or worse yet, right after birth it happened.

    So far I have had a huge response, and it is wonderful to get to know all of you! In the same sense its so heart wrenching to know that all these pictures I am receiving are families, just like mine, who are traveling the same road and my heart aches for all of us. I hope in some way this page will give us a place to remember and rejoice in the recovery process.

    Please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas on the page.

    Much Love,

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    What a difference !!

    As most of you know, my Handsome started his chelation last Monday and I have seen LOTS and LOTS of progress since then.

    A few examples are as follows :) :

    He constantly is playing pretend, one day he was playing Dr.Matthias and going around the house checking everyone this is how it went

    " Hi Mommy, I'm Dr. Matthias, I'm going to get you a check up. Let me listen to your breathing," He put the play stethescope up to me, pretended to listen and said " Very, good job Mommy, your all good" and on to the next person.....

    WOW!!! Really? Did that really just happen??? My son has NEVER played pretend with me like this ever!!!!! This is HUGE!

    Another example :

    We are watching Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and he is laughing hysterically in parts of the movie where you SHOULD laugh! and telling me " Ha ha ha, Mommy that was funny, Sid dropped it!"

    Another example :

    I asked him yesterday " Matthias, get your shoes me, you and your brother are gonna go bye bye" and he says " No Mommy, I don't wanna go, I wanna stay here"

    HUH?! ? He has never told me he doesn't want to go bye bye, he made a real choice by feeling?!?!

    On Halloween he didnt have a meltdown and cry non stop, he was excited to go trick or treating, and said trick or treat everytime we went up to a door, and said thank you.... he held his aunts hand and never ONCE tried to run away!!! He had a great time!!! 2 or 3 years ago all my son did at Halloween when we tried to take him door to door was cry hysterically, we barely went to two houses. Whenever anyone would approach him, he would get scared and try and run... this year he's a completely different child!

    These are just examples I can think of off the top of my head and they have all happened since we started chelation. Do I think this is a coincidence HECK NO!!! Now that he can get rid of the toxic harmful metals ( Arsenic, lead, cadmeium, mercury) from his body, his cells can provide the right amount of oxygen to his body, and the inflammation in his belly is going down!!!


    Can't thank the people who have helped us enough! How do you thank the people that are helping your child recover from autism? I haven't quit figured that out yet, but I will say thank you a billion times over to all of them!

    Much Love and Thanks :)


    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

