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    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    Its Official...

    School has started for me and I am loving being back in College! It makes me long for my earlier years, that now seem so care free and fun... But I wouldn't give up my life now for anything :) Its interesting, God definitely has me on a different Journey this year, but I am learning to hold tight fast to Him and learn from everything He is teaching me.

    As you have probably guessed life has been very hectic lately. Since the start of Our Journey of Hope, LOTS has happened for Handsome. Many ups and some downs, but its amazing to see the progress my Handsome boy has made. I can not be more proud of him! He is loving being in school full time, and even though we lost our OT, he is doing pretty good so far. I have decided until we find another OT to supplement his hours of therapy with his HAB providers, and I am in the process of getting another provider who comes to us with HIGH recommendations!

    Handsome also started with his new HAB provider last week and absolutely loves him. I'm so glad he seems to connect well with his HAB workers so quickly! Unfortunately because he has started school, Handsome has also caught some bug and shared it with his brother. So, this week I have two sick little boys on my hands as well as HORRID yeast die off poop ICKY... I can not express to you how yucky it is, but many of you already know this :) In the same breath as I express how yucky it is, I'm also VERY happy that he is getting ride of it!! Geeee its only taken a month!!! Handsomes DAN doctor said he had to have been very impacted and that's why it has taken so long.

    NOW, lets talk about some new progress shall we :)

    Just this past week Handsomes imaginative play has increased drastically!!! He is asking me things like, " Can I have what your eating Mommy?" and "Who is that on the phone" These are things he has never done before.... I can't tell you how many times i have heard from people I meet, telling me how huge his language skills are! He played with the kids at the playground here in our complex and his bloated belly is getting much smaller!

    Again, I can NOT thank my lenders and lend4health enough for contributing to Handsomes HUGE progress! My cup is overflowing with gratitude for you all!

    Well, time to make some dinner for my boys, lets hope they will eat. Its no fun eating when you can't taste the food!

    Also, please read this posting http://adventuresinautism.blogspot.com/2009/08/nbc-news-will-take-on-wakfield.html and mark your calendars and watch NBC they are doing a report on Dr. Wakefield and Thoughtful House. Lets hope and pray it is a good report and that they are actually fair and reporting the truth about this wonderful Doctor and all the help they are giving our kids!

    Much Love,

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

