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    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Anxiouslly ....

    waiting for Pierre Fontaine to return from vacation :) I have had some nay sayers about my new approach to my Handsomes treatments, but I just know this is what we are suppose to be doing for him. I meet and seen so many great stories of progress with children who are doing classic homeopathy and I can't wait to be able to get Handsome started :)

    We have alot of things coming up that will change Handsome's routines, so please be in prayer for him to transition easily with it all. Extended school year ends today and then he will have a little over a week off until school begins for the new year. Please pray that he will be able to get the same teacher that he had last year, she was fabulous and he did so well with her! Also Mommy starts school in a few weeks so please pray for me as well :)

    Much Love

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

