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    MckMama and amazing mother/sister/wife and photographer!


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    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Picture Day... and did I mention its finally Fall in AZ :)

    Today is picture day at school for Handsome! We had quite the decisions to make this morning.....which shirt do you want to wear? Well actually I guess its Mommy that had quite the decision to make :)( the Pictures are from this morning during our decision process :)  )... Poor kid, I made him try on the two different shirts three times till finally he says to me " Mommy I want to wear the red one" Okay then! Red it is :)!!!

    What a handsome little boy! I love that face! I can't wait to see how they turn out! Should make some pretty cute pictures to put in some ornaments I have!!! Did I mention, that its finally FALL HERE!!!!

    Ya I know... its probably been Fall for you guys alot longer than me, but here in AZ, well it takes its time before it gets to be under 100 degrees.

    I love, love, love this time of year! We don't have to be stuck in the house anymore for fear of heat stroke! We get to play in the cool air and enjoy the park again!!! Handsome and Littleman LOVE to go to the park!

    Fall has always been my favorite time of year since I was a young child. I grew up playing outside in the leaves, spending holidays making home made goodies and anticipating the arrival of Christmas Eve.

    My mom and I have already started our ornament painting, we started that many weeks ago, but now :) we have others joining us :) My nieces and my soon to be godson in law :) We're having a great time decorating and can't wait to sell them!

    My niece E is going to sell them at her Cafe at church and the proceeds will go to purchase Handsomes supplements. She offered to do that for him, isn't that the sweetest thing? I love my family!

    Arizonas weather is the best in the Fall and Winter! I have plans to take the boys to the park tomorrow :) and relish in the fact that I won't have to sweat to death :)!!!!!

    What are your plans for the weekend?

    Much Love,

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Its MckLinky Blog hop time :)

    This week's blog hop theme is: 3 things every parent should teach their kids.

    1. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is a big one for me, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Treat others exactly the way you would want to be treated.
    2. Family is forever, cherrish every moment you have with your family. We are never guaranteed how long we have with them
    3. Always, Always, Always! Make sure you say " I love you" To the people you love. Its important that they know how much they mean to you. I never go to sleep with out saying I love you to my children :).
    I can't wait to read everyone elses ideas :)

    Replace this sentence with your content, do not remove any code past this sentence.
    MckLinky Blog Hop
    Special thanks to Shoplet.com-Purell Hand Sanitizers for sponsoring this blog hop.

    Where did this little boy come from?!?!?!

    Today we had some pretty exciting progress for Handsome!!! Today one of his favorite HAB workers came over to work with him, and on their way home from the playground, his HAB worker turned his head for just a moment and Handsome walked up to someone in our complex who was walking a dog and get this..... He ASKED THEM if he could pet their dog!!!!!! They of course said yes :)

    WHAT??? Wait a second this is the child who just runs up to animals on leashes and just pets them regardless of what the owner would say.... He actually asked permission before he touched the dog!!!!

    Then my little Handsome didn't stop at amazing his Momma with that! Next....

    At dinner while he was sitting getting ready to eat his food, he noticed we were eating rice. I have offered it to him over an over again for the past 3 years. I have at times gotten him to taste it but normally he will gag on it and spit it out.

    Well tonight, he turned to me and said " Mommy, can I have some rice? momma " Of course sweetie, heres a little to try", he at first said no, but took it and tasted it and said " MMM Thats good" and asked for more.

    In FACT he asked for 4 MORE SPOONFULS!!!! I of course encouraged him to eat as much as he liked :)

    These things are HUGE for my handsome... He has gone from only eating chicken nugeets and fries, to eating TONS of other foods in one year! And now we can add one more!!! To think of where my son has come from in over a 3 year period is amazing. From no speech at all, to constantly talking :) from no social interaction, to asking a little boy to be his friend!

    This little Momma is just brimming from ear to ear with Pride for my Handsome!!!

    Can't wait to see the continued progress we see weekly!

    Thank you everone for all your prayers and to our Lenders at Lend4Health! With out you this would NOT have been possible!

    Mucho Love!

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

