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    Monday, July 27, 2009

    Blog Hop

    Its that time of week again, Blog Hop :) Here are just a few of my favorite pics of my Kiddos, I could go on, I have a ton more, but just scaled it back to 5 :) Enjoy!

    This is my Handsome at 6 months old

    Start here with your content. Replace this paragraph, and everything down to AND INCLUDING the word: STOP. DO NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE THE CODE BEYOND THE WORD STOP BELOW! This week's Blog Hop theme is Favorite Kid Photos. You can have one or more of your favorite photos your kids, grandkids, someone else's kid or even YOU when you were a kid. Funny, precious, heartwarming... your favorite!. Here is a sample post based on this theme: http://www.mcklinkyblog.com/2009/07/blog-hop-72809-favorite-kid-photos.html ...STOP
    MckLinky Blog Hop

    1 comment:

    trennia said...

    they are so adorable!
    I would have loved to squeeze those chubby cheeks too cute!
    I simply love chubby cheeks on babies!

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

