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    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    The glorious terrible twos!!!

    Boy oh boy have the terrible twos arrived at our house!!!!

    I tell people this all the time " I believe God gave us Handsome first, to prepare us for Littleman :) "

    LOL There really were no terrible twos with Handsome... he was always just a little harder to take care of than other kiddos, but there was no biting, or taking toys from other kids.... no trying to tackle older siblings :)no running away from Mommy at the park or trying to climb on top of chairs and ride them down the slide at home :), no getting into the potted plants and eating the soil and throwing all over the house......

    Now don't get me wrong, we had our challeges with Handsome, but those were a whole different realm of troubles.... But lately, big brother is MUCH easier to take care of than little one :)

    But either way it goes.... this Momma is every so happy, to meet the terrible two's!
    I keep reminding myself what a blessing it is to have a typical little boy :) too know he has been saved from autism and he will not have to struggle the way his older brother has...

    Its just hard to remember that when he flushes his train down his dads toilet :)

    We love you Little man!!!


    Anonymous said...

    Funny what you can apreciate :)

    BEE said...

    wish ya the best of luck
    terrible twos are terrible lol

    great pics :)

    Foursons said...

    Haha- we've all been there Lisa. Hang in there, he'll learn eventually! Your plants may not survive the learning curve though. :D

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

