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photo contest winner February 2011 at Pix-O-Sphere


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    MckMama and amazing mother/sister/wife and photographer!


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    Thursday, August 26, 2010

    My Desire.............

    Well its that time of year again, school season is back in gear here in AZ :) So glad that Handsome is loving being back at school and doing so well too :) Mommy has also returned back for my 3rd semester of college :)  I am still set on my path for social work so I can work with families of children with autism, but I have also set another goal for myself. One that is precious to my heart and I LOVE doing it!

    I have been very fond of photography for many years, but the last 3 years I have really been into it. Last year I found a lady who does photography for families of special needs children, and I had a bit of an AH HA moment! I know how hard it is, to get your child to sit still for a photo, let alone a child with special needs. I have taken thousands of pics of Handsome and they are always of him looking down or sideways, but eventually after MUCH percistence I get one of him looking at the camera :)

    I would LOVE to have my own photography business and take these kinds of pictures along with scenery and just your typical pics as well. So this is my new goal :) and next semester I am going to start taking some photography classes :) And soon I will be able to purchase my dream camera :)

    So this is my dream and goal :) what is yours :)

    Much Love!


    Foursons said...

    Sounds like a great idea Lisa! Good luck this semester.

    Unknown said...

    My interest in photography has grown since our kids came along & even more since I started blogging & reading other blogs. I hope to continue learning new skills.

    I found you through Blog Frog. Love Handsome's hair in the bottom pic. Cute!

    D said...

    Thank you for visiting, I am now you new follower. Looking forward to future posts.

    Cathy said...

    What a great goal! Your pictures are great. I taught special ed for 5 years and I loved it. I'm a new follower from blog frog. I'm glad I found your blog.

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

