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    Monday, October 26, 2009

    A Quick Post with HUGE NEWS!!!

    First off, I have to say, Handsome started his first round of chelation, glutathione and vitamin C IV and he did SUPER!!! I was shocked at how well he did!!! He has another next week and I will keep you posted on progress :) Now on to the bigger news :)

    Today, Handsomes teacher told me she wants to put him in the ............

    TYPICAL kindergarten class for a few hours a day. She said he is so far along socially that he needs to be around more typical children to bloom his skills even further :)


    What I really did was cry when she told me, then continued to talk to her about his social skills and about all the other things he does need to work on in their class... but friends please..... listen to this Momma tell you something.................

    I can vividly remember crying to my friends about how afraid I was that my Handsome would never talk or be able to play with other children the way a "typical" child should, and now..... 3 years later from the Month of his diagnoses I have people telling me how much he talks. How they get such a kick out of him at school, because he knows everyones names and talks to them each day. How he interacts with them at recess, and HE approaches them to play!!! These things, I was told, would most likely not happen............

    BUT THEY ARE :) and I can't express to you how happy that makes me! My Handsome is coming through that window of autism :) and my heart is filled with JOY and gratitude!!!!

    I know the Lord is seeing us through this all, and I'm amazed at how good He is to us. I will never forget the kindness of friends and strangers who have helped my son be able to go on this Journey of Hope :) ..... I can't wait to tell you about more progress every day!

    Much Love,


    Michelle said...

    That's wonderful!!!

    Sneaker Teacher said...

    That is WONDERFUL Lisa! SO happy for you and your family!!!

    Tori said...

    It's all just soooo wonderful! I can't wait for the next bit of news! :)

    Foursons said...

    That is the best news I've heard in a long time! I am so happy for you and for Handsome! Praise God and all of His goodness. Yahoo!

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

