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    Thursday, October 28, 2010

    Its Official!

    We received Handsomes remedy from Pierre in the mail today :) We are suppose to give him his first dose tonight before bed and then NO MORE until we speak to him again in 7-10 days :)!!!! I am so excited and nervous all at the same time!!! Will you please pray for Handsome during this time, I would really appreciate it! We will keep you informed on whats going on with his progress :).

    Tonight its also official :) we are watch 'The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown' its officially the beginning of my favorite time of year!!! The holidays are the best time, even when life has its ups and downs... I still love the holidays :) I hope you all are enjoying this season and watching a dearly loved childhood cartoon tonight too :)

    Much Love!!

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    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

