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    Thursday, April 2, 2009

    World Autism Awareness day

    As many of you know today is World autism awareness day, just like any other day for us parents in the autism world :) ... This is how our day started off............

    1:45 am Matthias is up crying, go in a check on him, his pull up is wet and pooped ( he's on Miralax for his EnchoPeresis) Clean him up change him, kiss goodnight again, go back to bed for I'm hoping more sleep....2:15am Matthias is crying again, I go into his room after waiting a few minutes to check on him, this time he was up playing and horsing around on his bed and hurt his head, I explain to him its not time to be up we need to go back to bed and lay him down, start to leave the room and immediatly he starts to cry. I try to comfort him but he won't stop crying, finally at 2:40am I give up out of pure exhaustion and take him to my room with me HOPING he will fall back to sleep so I can sleep...........3am he still is up, but now playing with my hair. Tell him to stop to go to sleep and I think for once after about 20minutes he's asleep...........HAHAHA ya, he's up just laying there staring into space. Finally after I rub his back for awhile, he goes back to sleep at 4:45am............ wow that means I only have till 6:30 to wake him up fo school...... so I sleep for awhile then try and wake him up for school. As you can imagine this task is NOT so easy, I finally get him up because littleman has proceeded to wake and has helped mommy wake him up. Get downstairs eat breakfast, get dressed, and put back pack on all in 30 minutes. When the bus arrives at 7:20 sm he cries as screams cause he doesn't want to go yet, but I get him on and he settles down and sits in his seat and drives away to school. WHEW!!!! Is it nap time yet????LOL all in a day of the autism world, most days are better but today well it will be ONE of those days :).

    Much Love


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    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

