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    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Ladies and Gentlemen.....


    For the third day in a row, Matthias has peed every night in the potty on his own!!!! And Tonight, well he told me all by himself after he started to wet himself that he had to go pee pee. So I took him in the bathroom and just like, once again he started peeing. Poof just like that he is a big boy!!!

    I do not think this is all coincidental either. Just three weeks ago he started taking Nordic Naturals DHA (thank you Tim for giving us our supplements)and he has been on his Methyl B12 shots for two months now. Then just a little over a week ago he started asking to go pee on the potty every single night!

    Pretty amazing!!!! This is our #1 goal for the summer to have him potty trained before we get him to kindergarten. The poops are a little different as we have to get his tummy taken care of first.

    So as you can tell, he is recovering more and more :)

    I do have one prayer request....

    Pray that we can get our loan funded so we can continue his care with his DAN doctor quickly! I just realized today that many of his supplements are almost gone....so I am praying a great deal as I can not afford to by him all his supplements right now.

    Besides that I am a happy momma as Matthias has yet again progressed further!!!

    Much Love,


    Anonymous said...

    Celebrating with you Lisa! I am inspired by you...your love and care for your kids is truly Christ-like!

    Joining you in praying and believing for many miracles!


    Anonymous said...

    Congratulations! Natalie began spontaneously peeing and pooping in the potty after two months of MB12 shots also. I don't think it is coincidental either. She is six and NEVER had the self-awareness to know to take herself until now. She is FINALLY out of Pull-Ups!

    Let us keep doing what we are doing and not let the naysayers get us down!

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

