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    Thursday, April 9, 2009

    A Different Day

    I want to post on something first before I tell you about Matthias today.

    I have been following a fellow blogger My Charming Kids, and she had posted today to pray for another young lady today. I check out her blog and was immediatly brough back in time personally. This precious woman is struggling just as I did(wow over 7 year ago now). She is a single momma and had been told her beautiful little daughter she is carrying inside her will not make it. I can completely understand how she is feeling right now and my heart goes out to her. I lost my first son Keane at 19 weeks and they told me he would not be born alive, that the drugs they had to give me to have him were to strong and they would surely kill him. But God saw differetly and he was born alive and lived for 6 hours. Even as tiny as he was he was so precious and perfect. To this day, I think of him everyday and still cry at the thought of the time I have lost here on earth, yet I know I will see him one day.

    Please, pray for 'B' today and follow her blog. http://www.littleoneapril.blogspot.com/.

    Now onto Matthias' progress... Last night before dinner we did our usual and got ready to give him his shot. Everything was going fine and he cooperated and I went in for the poke and IMMEDIATLY I could tell the needle was dull and it hurt when it went in. RIGHT AWAY he reacted started crying and pulled away and I was not able to give him the whole b12 shot :(.... I felt so badly for him cause I knew it hurt and I felt badly because this is the ONE thing I want to do to see if it really will help him. So be praying that tomorrow goes better. BEsides that its been about the same progress as the days before, a few more words and saying sentences he has never said before. One instance today, My mom asked him hey where did you find that toy we have been looking for it everywhere, normally we get NO response, but today Matthias says " I found it in the couch grani" WOW that has NEVER happened :).....

    Keep praying for recovery! Now I'm off to take care of a little sick 1 year old, poor Gabriel.
    Much Love

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    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

