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    Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    The poops ....

    There are many health problems that go along with autism and having trouble with your stools is one of them. Definitely not something they warn you about when your child is diagnosed.

    For the past few months Matthias has struggled big time with being constipated. Its awful for me to see him feel this way. Even though Matthias does talk he still has a hard time being able to communicate certain needs he has. If I ask him Matthias, whats wrong? He say " I don't know mommy, I don't know." and that is just heartbreaking for me.

    It has LONG been a struggle since he was young to try and figure out, what is wrong with him "health wise". I never know when he is sick, I always find out at the very last moment when he has a double ear infection, or worse yet a burst ear drum. Matthias has never gotten sick like a "typical"kid. He rarely ever runs a fever anymore, the last time he had a fever( and by fever I mean one over 100) was right after his surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids, and before that he hadn't run a fever since he was a baby.

    Its so hard to try and figure out what is going on in my little man sometimes and to get him to go see the doctor to be treated ....WELL...........thats a whole other struggle. I'm waiting for the day that I can say to my son " Matthias, whats wrong?" and he replies " My throat hurts mommy, I can't swallow." It will happen one day, I know it. Its just right now when I know something is up, but just can't figure out for sure what it is, when it makes the waiting for that day so hard.

    So for today, no change in progress same as usual, just struggling with the poops :)

    Instead, I am leaving you a short video of my precious handsome talking to me at the park. In the video he will be talking about ground hog day, this is Matthias doing what he loves to do all day long, he is echoing lines from movies he watches. But that's okay, he's talking :)

    Oh yeah you may notice my background changes all the time, well I'm in the process of making my own right now so for now you may see different backgrounds for while :)

    Much love,

    1 comment:

    Amy said...

    WOO HOOO!!! Look at your blog!! I love it, Lis!!! You go momma!

    I loved sweet Matthias... what a darling he is!

    Matthias through autism 2006 till today

    With this video

    Press play first, then press pause, and let it load for a few moments, otherwise the video will stop to load it alot when your watching it.

    This song speaks so much to me,to know the trials I have gone through are not .. Unredeemed by Selah

    Matthias Road to Recovery - This is what Faith can do! .

